Double D Mats: Case Study
Branding, Art Direction, Web Design

Art Direction, Graphic Design, Photojournalism

Hays Symphony Orchestra: Logo and Promo Design
Graphic Design, Photography, Art Direction

The Hadley Foundation Art Collection: A History.
Art Direction, Graphic Design, Print Design
In memory of John C. Thorns: A dear friend and mentor.

Logos and Icons: Collection II
Graphic Design, Illustration, Branding

Center for Language and Culture: Get International
Art Direction, Graphic Design, Photography

Daily Life: Our World in Motion
Graphic Design, Photography, Photojournalism

Vivid Paint and Design
Graphic Design, Packaging, Print Design

Duets: The Greats and Their Guitars, Series I
Graphic Design, Music, Print Design

Logos and Icons
Graphic Design, Icon Design, Illustration

Create, Communicate, Move
My Motivation and Way of Life.